About us

    Biogem (Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics) is a consortium between public research institutions (CNR -Italian National Research Council, Stazione zoologica ‘Anton Dohrn’ di Napoli, Consorzio per l’Area di Ricerca di Trieste), Universities (Università “Federico II” di Napoli, Università degli Studi della Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Università del Sannio, Università di Foggia, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli, Università Lumsa di Roma, Università di Udine)  Comune di Accadia, Comunità Montana dell'Ufita, Fondazione Biogem and Camera di Commercio Irpinia-Sannio.

    Our research activities are carried out in numerous laboratories - Genetics, Epigenetics, Staminality and Tissue Regeneration, Translational Nephrology, Molecular Oncology, Genes and the Environment (aimed at studing pathologies induced by pollutant environmental factors) - with a specific animal models facility, in which transgenic models (murine models and zebrafish) are also produced. In addition, Biogem has a well structured Bioinformatics and Computational Biology core. 

    Unique center in the South of Italy for Toxicity and Biocompatibility regulatory testing, Biogem owns the certificate of compliance with the principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). 

    Biogem also has a monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins production laboratory. 

    Since April 2020, in the framework of Covid-19 emercency, Biogem created a multidisciplinary team for the analysis of nasopharyngeal swabs. 

    Biogem campus extends over an area of 33,000 sqm (of which 8,200 are labs and office buildings). In the external area, originally bare of arboreal vegetation, over a thousand tall trees, an olive grove of 800 trees, among which 380 centuries-old trees, and a botanical garden, with numerous medicinal plants and a 1,600 sqm 'sensory path', have been planted. Despite the considerable increase in the spaces occupied, Biogem has more than halved its energy expenditure in the last ten years thanks to the use of renewable sources and insulation interventions. 

    Biogem is qualified as Training and Education Organization pursuant to Decree n.172 of 04/11/2011 of the Campania Region Employment and Education Agency. Our University Industry Internship Program (UIIP) offers customized post-graduate training courses funded by companies looking for specific professional profiles. These courses, focused on issues related to bioinformatics and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), are delivered by 

     Biogem faculty, and teachers recruited ad hoc from academia, the research world, and the profession. Over the last years of the UIIP Program, about 1,500 students have been trained and initiated into work and over 50 leading companies have been involved, such as Engineering, Reply, Ericsson, BNL, Poste Italiane, TIBCO Academy, Meware Academy, SAS Academy, Accenture Academy and TI&M. The average placement rate is 95%.

    In the Biogem research laboratories, PhD projects are carried out, in collaboration with various Campania and national universities, on state-of-the-art issues. About twenty are currently underway.

    Every year Biogem offers cycles of workshops and seminars, delivered by internal and external faculty.

    We contribute to the dissemination of scientific culture via our Museum of the History of the Earth and Life, Biogeo, created in collaboration with the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and characterized by extensive use of multimedia technologies.

    Every year, in early September, Biogem organizes The Two Cultures meeting, from the title of the essay by Charles Percy Snow, in search of a new cultural paradigm to overcome the  dichotomy between human sciences and exact sciences. Over the past 12 editions number of Nobel laureates and outstanding scholars have given lectures. In 2018 the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, opened the conference.

    Biogem is also an incubator of biotech and ICT start-ups Technology sectors, with significant employment opportunities for the local communities (over 60 full-time jobs created).


    On 14 July 2006, in a solemn ceremony, in the presence of Rita Levi Montalcini and other major political, academic and scientific authorities, Biogem was opened in the Camporeale district at Ariano Irpino. This was the beginning of our adventure in a place rich in history, not only for the presence of the ancient farms, remnants of  seventeenth-eighteenth-century architecture, but also for having been the scene of a very important event in the life of Southern Italy. In the expanse of Camporeale, in 1140, a large 'royal-field' was set up to house King Roger II and the hundreds of barons and feudal lords, with their respective followers, gathered from the entire territory of the new Kingdom, extending from Sicily to the Tronto river. The first 'parliament' was summoned in today's Camporeale district, and on that occasion the Constitution of the newborn Kingdom (the "Assizes of Ariano") was promulgated.

    The choice of this location as the headquarter of Biogem stems from a challenge:  creating a successful  biomedical research center with all its downstream activities in the hinterland of a southern region, far from big cities and the traditional circuits of research institutions. In short, the challenge to offer a contribution to the battle against the underdevelopment of the South, focusing on culture, research and innovation, via the extension of the 'research system' to a marginalized hinterland area in the South, traditionally cut off from such perspectives. The refusal to passively accept the policy of neo-centralism that is impoverishing inland areas and aggravating the problems of urbanized areas and worsening their own quality of life.

    The beginnings were not easy, with the site ready and active only for a third of its extent. Today a lot has changed from a structural point of view and beyond. The complex has been completed, and is fully operational. Significant functional and aesthetic changes have been introduced (the deserted land of that time is now a rich olive grove of centenary plants which, together with a wonderful botanical garden, surrounds the complex). Cutting edge scientific equipment  has been acquires and an impressive energy-saving plan has resulted in a major cost reduction, thanks to photovoltaic and wind systems and adequate insulation. A large two-level building, made of steel and glass, has recently been built, to be used as a venue for educational activities and conferences (Museum of the History of the Earth and of Life - Library - Conference Room). Residence for researchers and students is located downtown Ariano Irpino.

    Biogem has significantly expanded and strengthened its original mission, and the traditional biomedical research activity has taken on a more marked translational orientation, to be ever more directly at the service of healthcare. The new front of pharmacological research has thus opened, with structures and facilities that cannot be found elsewhere in the South, such as laboratories for the preclinical experimentation of drugs, operating with methods certified and controlled by the Ministry of Health [GLP], as a production laboratory of proteins for pharmaceutical purposes, and as a nutraceutical laboratory.

    Unlike traditional research institutes, Biogem has also aimed to be a center for higher education (master's degree courses, research doctorates and masters in agreement with Italian and foreign universities and its own post-graduate training courses, organized with large national and international companies.

    Above all, Biogem did not intend to close itself in the narrow confines of biomedical scientific research. Therefore, every year in September we organize the "The Two Cultures" meeting: scientific conferences, literary workshops and artistic events inspired by the logic of dialogue between humanists and scientists around 'fundamental' themes. Following the same logic, a Museum of the history of life and the earth (Biogeo) was set up, full of significant finds and multimedia attractions, to fulfill the duty of spreading the knowledge of 'our' history and to increase  the interest in science of the new generations from southern Italy.

    Biogem in Ariano Irpino received the Special Plaque of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, as part of the 41st edition of the Guido Dorso awards. The Special Plaque award is conferred to an institution that works for the economic, social and cultural progress of Southern Italy. The initiative, sponsored by the Senate, the CNR and the University of Naples "Federico II", took place in the Sala Zuccari of Palazzo Giustiniani, in Rome, on 12 October last year.


    Social Bodies

    Board of Directors

    Prof. Ortensio Zecchino (President)

    Prof. Bruno Dallapiccola

    Prof. Giuseppe Paolisso

    Prof. Marco Salvatore

    Prof.ssa Marialuisa Lavitrano

    Scientific Director

    Prof. Giovambattista Capasso

    Managing Director

    Dott. Tullio Bongo

    Scientific Board

    Prof. Giuseppe Remuzzi (Presidente)

    Prof. Franco Locatelli (Vice Presidente)

    Prof. Andrea Ballabio

    Prof. Fortunato Ciardiello

    Prof. Antonio Iavarone

    Prof. Andrea Lenzi

    Prof. Mauro Magnani

    Prof. Antonio Ereditato

    Prof. Enrico Rizzarelli


    Biogem S.c.a r.l. P.Iva 02071230649
    Via Camporeale Area P.I.P. Ariano Irpino (AV) Italy
    Tel. +39 0825 881811 - Fax +39 0825 881812 - biogem@biogem.it

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